Poster 311-3-3

Personal Comments
In 1960's, represents from country sides of China join the Agricultural Machinery Exhibition in Beijing, and these years is a famous time under slogan of "Agriculture to Learn from Dazhai".
Before 1949, start year of CCP China, agricultural machinery had almost never been seen in country side of China. At that time man and cow or horse were main labor force in filed. In 1950's, the honey years of CCP China and Soviet Union, Soviet provide many supports in industry and agriculture area to China, which included many agricultural machines to country side of China. In support of Soviet, China came into Machinery Agriculture time. But in 1960's, because of the quarrel of leaders in CCP China and Soviet Union, Soviet stopped the support for China, which made China fall down into a country crisis both in industry and in agriculture. Machines support by Soviet were stopped to be maintained by Soviet engineer, and in other hand, Soviet machine was too big for small filed in most Chinese county area, as well as, Soviet machine was not good for water filed in south China for example in rice production area.
In this background, China speak out the slogan of "Self-Reliance and hard-working", to encourage Chinese people to walk away from this crisis. In industry area, a famous slogan is "Industry to Learn from DaQing", and DaQing city is the first big oil filed of China after 1949, which is in north east of China. The worker of DaQing worked very hard in -30 C winter to build a brand new oil city -- DaQing. In agriculture area, a famous slogan is "Agriculture to Learn from Dazhai", and DaZhai County is a poor country side county, which was lack of water very much at that time, which is in middle area of China. The farmers of DaZha build a complex irrigation system to get water from a lake very far passing through many high mount.
In this exhibition, many new agricultural machines made in some Chinese factory were showed for many represents from country sides all over China. This exhibition is a shown for “Self-Reliance and hard-working” in agriculture. In those years, an exhibition was not opened for public, only these excellent CCP members and citizens honest for CCP could get this chance. In this poster, all visitors were excited for a new Combine machine, looks like they are self confidence for future of Chinese agriculture. But in fact, these agricultural machines were only model machines in that year, as same as idea cars in current car exhibition, because most factory were busy to product industry machinery for example trucks and ships not agricultural machines at that time, as well as most country side commune hadn’t enough money to buy these expensive agricultural machines. Agricultural machinery was popular in 1980's and 1990's in country side of China, after commune was disappeared and Chinese peasant became enough rich to buy a machine.